Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Thoughts on Home...

Last evening I was drive home from a movie and my thoughts were centered around the city I was driving through. This happens to me a good deal. I'll be driving to or from somewhere and I'm impressed by all that I can see in Salt Lake City. It's more than just how beautiful this city is, it also goes to all it has to offer commercially as well.

As I was driving past all too many store fronts last evening (and all very closely located to my residence) I couldn't help but think how lucky I am to have so many options available to me. In fact it's way to many options, I haven't come even close to visiting all these stores or even knowing of their existence. Yes, finding a new store location happens just about every week for me. Here I am living in a city where I find a new store every week.

Even last night, the movie theater that we visited was somewhere I've never been before (and I've lived in this city for well over a year now). Now that movie theater is a good example of what I'm talking about here. I had never been there before or even thought of its existence, and then I step inside and I'm totally blown away. This wasn't just any movie theater it was a mall. It had 17 auditorms and it's concession stand wasn't just one food area, but a complete food court with tons of culinary options and plenty of seating to eat at. Just going to the movies became an adventure experience that I really enjoyed.

So it was with these thoughts that I was driving home from the movies. I was thinking how lucky I am to be living in a city that is a constant adventure for me, and that I have more options than I know what do to with. Of course I was thinking how could I ever leave this area (or who would ever want to leave).

Then I got home and got online to read some of my friend's blog entries. Brendan posted some updates including a picture from Highland County in Virginia. Oh Highland County!! My mother grew up in rural Highland County, so in my life time I've spent considerable time in that area visiting with family there. I remember times in my childhood that we spent a week or so visiting my grandparents in Highland County. We called in Camp Vance (their surname), for it was like a camp, lots of fun with swimming in the river and playing around outdoors.

Highland County certainly doesn't have that much to offer as far as commercial options or entertainment is concerned. No, it certainly doesn't have much of that to offer at all, but it does have adventure and plenty of nature to enjoy. I looked at that picture Brendan posted and immediately knew why people leave cities like Salt Lake, nothing will ever compare to country life.

1 comment:

Kay Richardson said...

Wowo. Sounds lovely.