Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sore Knees...

The last couple of afternoons (and evenings) I spent painting a coffee house. Not just any coffee house I might add, this is a very special coffee house. That's because it belongs to Discovery Christian Community church.

This very afternoon I was down on my knees painting for several hours in our new coffee house. You don't realize how much it affects your knees until it's all said and done. Sometime in the early evening hours I just called it quits on my painting for the day and went home. Upon arriving at my apartment I look down at my knees and they are all swollen and red (not fun).

An hour later, after some ice packs and relaxing by the t.v. I'm feeling 100% better. I'm not too worried about my knees, especially since I won't have to be down on them again for awhile (I can't think of any reason I would have to be any time soon).

It was while I was painting this afternoon that I had plenty of time to think. Funny enough, my thoughts centered around what I should write about on my next blog. Isn't that sad? I see the world through potential blog entries. Any time an event or thought takes place my mind wonders is this worthy of a blog entry, and how should I angle my writing.

Today I was thinking of how best to write about my phone conversation with Emily. It's quite a story. As it happens I had a terrible nightmare last night about Emily. I dreamed that she had been killed on her motorcycle, while she was turning out of her lane. I called Emily today to relate my dream and she tells me of how she never stops at the end of lane. She likes to check the traffic while she's driving and then continue easing out. Hmmm...maybe my dream was a warning!!!

Anyways, I think I've left you with enough for today. You have everything from sore kness to motorcycle crashes, that's what I call blog entertainment.

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