Monday, August 21, 2006

A Little Humor For Ya....

Okay, I enjoy a good laugh just like the next person. Even if it is directed at my own gender. Well, I found this posting on someone's MySpace account last night. I can't remember who it was that had it posted, but I know I found them through the EMU alumni page.

Well, it doesn't really matter who it was that posted it, just that they have a good sense of humor.

Now, I do remember where I found the "Redneck Bear". That was on Richard's MySpace account. Now Richard is one of those old friends from high school, so it's not surprising that the "Redneck Bear" reminds me of home. Well, at least it reminds me of some good ol' rednecks back in Virginia.

Well, that's all for today. Maybe I'll catch you all up later with some of my favorite comics that I find online.

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