Tuesday, March 07, 2006

When Maija Says JUMP...

I JUMP!!! You better believe it :-)

So I was reminded today by a dear friend, that it was time I got online and posted an update on my blog. It's interesting, because from what I've been hearing there are actually persons out there that enjoying reading these ramblings of mine. Well all I have to say is kudos to you if you get something from all of this.

Today went by so quickly. I was on the go from work at Chili's to music practice at Church. And most of the time I had my new roommate Emily along enjoying the ride and acquainting herself to the new "Utah Culture". Well to suffice it to say, we accomplished much ground today in Emily's first day in Utah.

Soon enough I'll have more stories (meaning more interesting than the ones at present) to share with you all concerning Emily in Utah and I'm sure to have some photos to go along with the words. Until then.............

1 comment:

Amelia Bedelia said...

Yeah for the update! Yeah for Jen! Yeah for welcoming Emily to Utah!!