Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Accident Prone...

So if I believed in horoscopes I'm sure mine for the week would have been the "doom and gloom" prediction of keep to your bed and pull the covers up tight. This is all NOT to say that the week has been dreadfully awful, it's more the point of the accidents that keep coming my way.

First off, yesterday at Chili's I was preparing a cup of Broccoli and Cheese soup to serve to one of my guests, when some spilled over the edge of the cup and preceded to scald my left hand. OUCH!! I spent as much time as I could spare in the busyness of the lunch rush to place my hand under running cold water. In the end I mostly toughed it out and went about my business in a mood that was somewhat less happy than before.

If that wasn't enough for the day I went home to bang up my right knee. Seeing as there is a story behind this accident I should give you curious folks the details. I was at home enjoying dinner, chatting friends, and the viewing of a rather strong hail storm. My plan for later evening was to swing by the Church for music practice and as my luck would have it the storm ended before I had to be on my way.

That is where my luck ran out. Well, either my luck or my intelligence, and I would like to think it was the former rather than the latter. In order to arrive at my vehicle I must first descend a flight of concrete stairs outside of my apartment building. Without even thinking as the condition of these stairs after a hail storm (remember hail is equivalent to ice) I proceeded down the stairs with very little caution. Next thing I knew my right foot slipped back on the ice and momentum was pulling me head first down the stairs.

Fortunately, though my luck and intelligence were at an end, quick reflexes were not. I grabbed hold of the side railing and prevented myself from a serious head injury. Though as you can probably guess my knee wasn't saved from a similar fate. The right knee caught the edge of the stair in acute pain. I limped my way back into the apartment and discovered that the concrete edge had created a nice gash in the skin from which blood was issuing. Of course I only like blood when it stays in it's proper place (you know working diligently to carry oxygen through my INTERNAL system). Something about blood of the external part of my body doesn't quite thrill me.

I began by stopping the bleeding with pressure and bandaids. Then it was on to help the swelling. At this point I made my way to the freezer to see what I had on hand that would do in a pinch. AHH!!! A nice large bag of frozen hash browns, perfect. It was truly perfect for the occasion. The hash browns in the bag were cold and formed nicely over my knee. I recommend having some on hand in your home, just in case your luck or intelligence ever desert you.

Now if you think that is all, then you are quite mistaken. Today I went back to work at Chili's (you know a little knee injury can't get me down - not with advil at the ready). I was helping another server by taking a hot skillet meal out to their table.

When I work with the skillets I'm usually careful not to become distracted so that I might not hurt myself. Unfortunately this table could have cared less that I had a sizzling skillet in my hand. As I was trying to balance the hot skillet a guy at this table was trying to shove dirty dishes into my other hand asking me to get them out of his way (first off I have to say HOW RUDE).

Next thing I know the dishes the guy couldn't wait another second (that's all that would have taken me to place the hot skillet down and pick up the dirty dishes with both hands) started to tilt in my hand. I tried to spread my hand out to balance them before they fell and my other hand with the skillet moved at the same time with the motion. That's when I experienced the major pain of my thumb being seared by the skillet. Of course I'm at the table with guests so I try to hide the injury by gritting my teeth and practically dropping the skillet into the guy's lap (don't worry it made the table). Then it was both hands to the dirty dishes and me walking away in pain (and of course I'm not perfect so I was thinking a few nasty thoughts about rude and impatient people).

So there you have it, my accident prone past few days. Here's the rest of the week may it be filled with accident free hours.

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