Friday, June 03, 2005

Women of Faith Rise Up...

During this past week I had the wonderful privledge of being able to attend a Ladies Biblestudy held at one of the local Churches here in Salt Lake City. What I had anticipated being an hour long study in the book of Luke, turned into a three study and prayer meeting. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't displeased by the turn of events; I was only yet again remind of how God is often calling me to be flexible.

The three hours were spent accordingly; two hours discussing about eight chapters in the gospel of Luke, with 30 minutes for prayer and praise requests, and the final allotment of time was spent in prayer together. I enjoyed the biblestudy as a whole, and learned several new insights into passages found within the gospel of Luke. There was though a particular time within the three hours that I found more interesting than the rest of the discussions, and that was during the group's prayer and praise requests.

Here was a collective group of women that came from different backgrounds and family situations that had two important links in common. Each of these women had spent a majority of their lives living in Utah, and each were part of the Christian Church that is a minority here in Utah.

And oh did they have stories to share. How fascinating it was for me to hear what each of these women dealt with on a daily basis, the triumphs and the continual struggles. Some of these women had the support of their extended families, others did not. Some had the support of their husbands, while others still prayed in faith that their husbands would find Christ. Some had children in the Christian Church, while others in much sadness watched their children fall into the LDS Church.

Each of these women had lived through their own trials, and had grown in their relationship with Christ through the experience. Many of the struggles they faced dealt directly with opposition they received from the LDS Church, and yet as women of strong faith they remain here in Utah ready to minister where the Lord leads. It makes me rejoice to meet women of such faith and love, and I'm encouraged in my own walk with the Lord.

My prayer today is that we are all able to openly acknowledge and celebrate the love, faith and hope shared in the Family of Christ. And a special praise to mothers, wives, daughters and sisters, who each day rise up in faith to be living examples of Christ's love in a world that doesn't always understand the meaning of love. Amen.

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