Saturday, June 04, 2005

A Saturday Afternoon in Utah

It's an absolutely beautiful Saturday afternoon here in Salt Lake City, Utah. From my viewpoint (sitting on the carpeted floor of my bedroom) I can see heavenly blue skies with a fluffy assortment of pristine white clouds. If I were stand by the window of my bedroom I would be assured to see majestic mountains with the peaks still covered in snow. It's all such a wonderful display of God's nature and an overwhelming evidence of God's love for us.

Yet, I can't help but think that this beautiful day is somewhat marred by events that are taking place here in Salt Lake City. For today a young woman named Ashley has left the Christian Church to marry her fiance an LDS Church member. This afternoon she will enter the Mormon Temple for the first time and participate in the Temple rites before she is sealed to her husband for all eternity (The Mormon Church believes that marriages are for all eternity and do not dissolve in death).

My heart and prayers go out to Ashley, who is blindly following her fiance David into the Temple and the LDS Church. It is difficult to actually know how to pray in this situation. My own understanding is unable to fathom the question, "why?" So it is in times like these that I am reminded to lean not on my own understanding, but upon God's word and message.

My prayer today is for Ashley and her new husband David, that God would be at work in their lives prompting them by His Holy Spirit. That this new union of theirs would become a testiment to God's power and ability to change even the most seemingly hopeless situations. For in God we know that no circumstance is without hope and nothing is beyond His control. Amen.

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