Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thoughts on Moving...

Well, it's known to most of the free world by now, I'm leaving Utah for the green state of Virginia. Sometimes I can't believe I've lived here in Salt Lake for two and a half years already, the time really flew by.

And now I'm planning my departure and trip of 2,000 plus miles. Let me state the obvious here, there's a plenty of work that goes into a move of that size.

First off, I should let you all know I'm moving home the way I moved myself out to Salt Lake to begin with, I'm just taking what fits into my vehicle. What that means for me is a great furniture sale. Which reminds me, if you live out in the Salt Lake area and are looking for some good furniture at a great price give me a call (or leave a comment).

After selling the furniture, then comes the reduction of my smaller pieces of property. This will be accomplished through a yard sale. That's definitely something to look forward too, getting up early on a Saturday morning to haggle prices with the most savviest of shoppers. Wish me luck!

From that point, it'll be only a matter of strategically arranging my belongings for the maximum of packing space. I've already begun creative thinking as to how to make my large items more useful in the move. Take my canning pot, it's large enough (and has a convenient lid) to make it useful in carrying several nice belongings of mine.

Well, if you have any other ideas or advice on moving please don't hesitate to leave me a message.

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