Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Long write

Sorry guys it's been awhile. And there's really no excuse for me not writing all these long weeks. I guess if I was to come up with something it would be to say that I got out of the blogging groove for awhile.

I can definitely say as someone who has blogged now for the last year and a half there is such a thing as a blogging groove. There are times when blogging comes easy and I have plenty to say, those are the days when I view everything as blog material. Then weeks like these past few weeks are like a barren desert of blogging material.

Sure, things have been going on in my life. Great things in fact. I just haven't felt motivated to write any of it down. So, shame on me!!!

Now, for all that stuff I haven't shared. Mostly it revolves around a surprise trip I made back to Virginia. Last week I went home for Thanksgiving with my family. It was a surprise to my family and a great time for me. And now after several days of good eating and visiting with family and friends, I'm back in Utah.

I have three more weeks here in Utah and then it's back to Virginia for some Christmas family and friend time. During those three weeks I have plans to go to a hockey game (maybe two), spend some time with friends, fix lots of good foods and work some : )

And as this blog isn't getting any more exciting as I write I think it would be best to draw it to a close. So until next time...adios!

1 comment:

JTillett said...

Jen, here's the link to my