Sunday, May 14, 2006

Burgers and Fries...

....we're not saving lives!!

That pretty much sums up my job at Chili's. Well atleast one would think that's what my job is all about. It should consist of me taking someone's order and then serving them up their food...simple as that.

It's just not so. It's all our American Culture of absolute customer service. As a society we've breed a distinct group of persons that take the idea of customer service to an extreme. It's these persons that irrate me to no end these days.

They tend to be overly critical and demanding in what they deem as good customer service. And here I am trying to make a living by living up to their expectations. Let me tell you it's exhausting.

Personally, I feel that my customer service skills are well tuned and the average person enjoys my service. The fact of the matter is that a good number of people going out to eat these days aren't the average person, they're the critical and demanding type I mentioned earlier. They have this inate belief that if I haven't given them five star service then their dining experience was less than enjoyable.

Let me just say once and for all, to all of you out there that have ever been frustrated over the fact that you've had less than desirable service (compared to your standards), it's burgers and fries we're not saving lives...Chill Out!

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